Law, Economics, Politics and Governance Law, Economics, Politics and Governance


05 Sep 2022 - 09 Sep 2022
Course directors :
Igor Vio , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Patrick Vlačič , University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska , Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
Iva Tuhtan Grgić , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Massimiliano Musi , Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Italy
Petra Amižić Jelovčić , University of Split, Croatia
Course description:

The scope of the Course is to provide to the participants the analysis of the latest international and national regulations in the field of maritime and transport law, with prominent lecturers from various Croatian academic institutions (University of Zagreb, Adriatic Institute of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, University of Rijeka, University of Zadar and University of Split) as well as from a number of higher education institutions from abroad (University of Bologna, University of Ljubljana, University of Genoa, Nicolaus Copernicus University - Torun, University of Teramo, Jaume I University - Castellon, University of Hertfordshire, University Carlos III – Madrid, University of London, University of Vigo and World Maritime University). The Course will enable young researchers from this area to gain new knowledge and to compare the legal regulations of different countries through classes of outstanding university professors and renowned maritime law experts, and also to participate in panel discussions in order to analyse potential solutions of the emerging international legal instruments and of proposed amendments of the relevant maritime conventions. Besides lectures, seminars and workshops, the Course structure requires an effective contribution of participants who will have an opportunity to represent and describe their own research projects related to their LLM or PhD studies before a circle of academic senior researchers and experienced professionals. The working language is English.

The Course is dedicated to participants enrolled in advanced degrees of legal studies (graduate and postgraduate students, as well as doctoral candidates and researchers, who will discuss their ongoing research), junior practitioners and law officials from international organizations, state administration, courts of law and public attorney offices, and to young professionals from shipping, transport, insurance and related industries.


Course Lectures - Video Recordings

Ceren Cerit Dindar - Analysis of Sanction Regimes: Counterparty Aspect

Dorotea Ćorić - European Case Law Related to the Oil Pollution from Ships

Arber Gjeta - Transport Legislation in Albania Through the Process of EU Integration: An Overview

Aref Fakhry - A Law of the Poor and Disenfranchised in Maritime Law – Is There One?

Aleksandra Koska - The Role of Standards for the Safety of Liquefied Gas Transport

Petar Kragić - Creation of New Unification Instruments in UNCITRAL

Axel Luttenberger - Environmental Impact Assessment – Challenges in Coastal Area

Norman Martinez - Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims – Recent Development and Lessons Learnt

Massimiliano Musi - Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships and the Limitation of the Liability of the Shipowner

Elena Orrù - Sustainability in Transports and Logistics – Legal Issues and Challenges

Adriana Vincenca Padovan - Seaworthiness in the Context of Marine Insurance Contract

Časlav Pejović - Blockchain Bills of Lading – New Generation of Electronic Bills of Lading

Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska - Limitation of Liability – CLC 1992 and the US Approach

Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska Law Applicable to Liability for Damages Due to Accidents

Marija Pijaca - Maritime Labour Law in Croatia – International and National Legal Regulations

Achim Puetz - Jurisdiction and Competition in the Air Transport Sector – Extraterritoriality after Airfreight

Maja Radunović - Practical Challenges of Determining the Debtor in the Arrest Proceedings – Montenegrin Law Perspective

Pia Rebelo - Achieving Decarbonisation in Shipping through Climate Clauses in Maritime

Pia Rebelo - Realising Green Contractual Norms in Charterparties

Pia Rebelo - The UK and South African Case Law Related to the Oil Pollution from Ships’ Bunker and Hazardous and Noxious Substances Carried as Cargo

Zoran Tasić -Transfer of Title to a Ship under Various Types of Contracts

Iva Tuhtan Grgić - Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims – Solutions in PAL 2002

Ciara Vicente Mampel - The Role of Rail Transport in the EU Mobility Strategy – Pros and Cons

Igor Vio - International Maritime Organization – Regulatory Approach to MASS

Patrick Vlačič - Legal Aspects of Interoperability of eBL Platforms

Course lecturers:
Petra Amižić Jelovčić , University of Split, Croatia
Laura Carballo Pineiro , University of Vigo, Spain
Ceren Cerit Dindar , Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Türkiye
Dorotea Ćorić , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Aref Fakhry , World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden
Albano Gilabert-Gascon , Jaume I University, Castellón, Spain
Arber Gjeta , University of Elbasan, Albania
Mitja Grbec , Maritime Law Association Slovenia, Slovenia
Shengan Jia , China-Europe Commercial Collaboration Association, London, United Kingdom
Aleksandra Koska , WSB University in Gdańsk, Poland
Petar Kragić , University of Zadar, Croatia
Axel Luttenberger , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Norman Martinez , IMO International Maritime Law Institute, Valletta, Malta
Mihael Mišo Mudrić , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Massimiliano Musi , Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Italy
Elena Orrù , Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Italy
Adriana Vincenca Padovan , Adriatic Institute (HAZU), Zagreb, Croatia
Časlav Pejović , Kyushu University, Japan
Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska , Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
Marija Pijaca , University of Zadar, Croatia
Achim Puetz , Jaume I University, Castellón, Spain
Maja Radunović , Attorney at Law, Podgorica, Montenegro
Pia Terese Rebelo , City St George’s, University of London, United Kingdom
Juan Pablo Rodriguez Delgado , University Carlos III - Madrid, Spain
Zoran Tasić , Dedicato Consulting, Zagreb, Croatia
Iva Tuhtan Grgić , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Ciara Vicente Mampel , Jaume I University, Castellón, Spain
Igor Vio , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Patrick Vlačič , University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Haiyang Yu , University of Maastricht, Netherlands
Attached documents
IUC - International Maritime and Transport Law Course (2022) - Book of Abstracts.pdf
Laura Carballo - Maritime Labour Convention (2006) - ten years after entry into force.pdf
Ceren Cerit Dindar - Analysis of Sanction Regimes – Charterparty Aspect.pdf
Aref Fakhry - A Law of the Poor and Disenfranchised in Maritime Law – Is There One_.pdf
Aref Fakhry - IMO MASS Seminar - Summary Report.pdf
Albano Gilalbert Gascon - ECJ Judgement in the Prestige Case - End of the Pay to Be Bayed Clauses in the EU.pdf
Mitja Grbec - Sustainable Development and Protection of the Marine Environment in the Adriatic-Ionian Region.pdf
Mitja Grbec - 40 Years of UNCLOS 82 - Global Framework for Marine Environmental Law.pdf
Shengnan Jia - Warranty in Marine Insurance Contract - English and Chinese Law Perspectives.pdf
Aleksandra Koska - The Role of Standards in Maritime LNG Transport.pdf
Petar Kragić - UNCITRAL Convention on International Effects of Judicial Sale of Ships.pdf
Petar Kragic - Creation of Unification Instruments at UINCITRAL - Rotterdam Rules.pdf
Axel Luttenberger - EIA - Challenges in Coastal Area.pdf
Elena Orrù - Sustainability in Transport and Logistics.pdf
Časlav Pejović - Blockchain Bills of Lading.pdf
Marija Pijaca - Maritime Labour Law in Croatia.pdf
Achim Puetz - Extraterritorial after Airfreight.pdf
Achim Puetz - Ship Management Agreements - Liability Risks and Insurance.pdf
Maja Radunović - Practical Challenges in Determining Debtor in the Arrest Proceedings - The Montenegrin Perspective.pdf
Pia Rebelo - Achieving Decarbonisation Through Shipping Contracts.pdf
Pia Rebelo - The Emergence of Green Norms in Chartering.pdf
Pia Rebelo - UK and South African Case Law Related to Bunker HNS.pdf
Juan Pablo Delgado - Maritime Liens and Mortgages.pdf
Zoran Tasić - Transfer of Title to a Ship under Various Types of Contract.pdf
Iva Tuhtan Grgić - Limitation of Liability - Solutions in PAL 2002.pdf
Iva Tuhtan Grgić - Dorotea Ćorić - Liability and Compensation Regimes for Marine Pollution from Ships.pdf
Ciara Vicente Mampel - The Role of Rail Transport in the EU Mobility Strategy.pdf
Igor Vio - IMO - Regulatory Approach to MASS.pdf