How to practically go about organising a course or a conference
Before the Course
The outset of your IUC programme will be either an idea of how to internationalise an existing research theme in your own university or national context - or it will be about meeting (parts of) your existing European or overseas research networks or starting to create new ones. You will want to explore the potential of your research themes or your already existing courses at graduate and Ph.D. level internationally. Within the tradition and framework of the Inter University Centre any discipline is welcomed, along with inter-disciplinary or cross-disciplinary courses.
You have to present a team of two or more researchers as course directors and their home universities - representing a minimum two countries. One of the course directors must be the ‘organising’ one, with whom the IUC will communicate.
You will submit your plan to the IUC Secretariat with a view to its approval by the Executive Committee by March 31st every year. Your course will be reviewed and approved by the IUC Executive committee, announced on the IUC web pages, other media and IUC annual poster, sent to all member universities. After a consultation with the IUC Scientific Committee, the Director-General has the authority to accept courses offered all year round as long as they meet the IUC criteria. Those courses are also announced on the web pages.
In case of queuing up for space, the Director-General will suggest and negotiate a solution. You are encouraged to announce the course yourself to all relevant potential partners all over the world. You will of course secure the best possible networking and diversity of approaches within your field, and attempt to recruit participants from as many countries as are relevant in your field. Course participation should not fall below ten or exceed 60. This rule does not apply for conferences.
The competence of accepting participants rests with you as the organizing course director.
You will keep the IUC Secretariat informed of the process of recruitment for your course, and you will receive current information from the Secretariat about potential participants approaching the IUC through web pages. You will in due course inform the IUC of your needs of technical equipment and of any extra demands for classrooms; exceeding the lecture room you are allotted.
The IUC requires the payment of a small individual fee, currently 55 EUR, to be paid by all participants except programme organizers. Under very exceptional circumstances the DG may grant permission to change the amount of the course fee. In such cases, the organizers must contact the DG, stating the reason, and the terms and conditions granted by the DG must be fully observed.
For each programme general fee of 600 EUR is to be paid if one of the organizers is coming from the paying IUC member institution or University of Zagreb. For organizers coming from non IUC members or from non-paying members, the general fee is 1000 EUR. Eventual reductions may be possible if requested by letter stating specific reasons.
In case a conference is lasting 3 days or less, a general fee is 300 Euros. For conferences of the same duration when organizers are coming from non IUC members or from non-paying members, the general fee is 500 Euros.
For online participation in IUC programmes, individual fee is 27.50 Euros.
The IUC encourages course directors to complete the course with a course evaluation. The theoretical and methodological innovations acquired in each course will often form the basis of new courses in a continuous and yet renewing tradition within each research field.
All students who have paid and participated actively are entitled to a Certificate of Attendance, comprising an assessment in ECTS or other point systems regarding their general post-graduate and PhD education, if course directors have secured them at home universities. Special Certificates are issued to participants who had presented a paper.
Participants’ travel and accommodation costs are not the responsibility of the IUC. However, the IUC Secretariat will help organisers or individuals to find the most convenient accommodation and assist in any other practical issues such as social programme, organisation of coffee breaks, meals or possible transfers.
A brochure on how to organise a new IUC programme can be downloaded here
General Organization
The IUC building is open every workday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Other working rhythms, especially through weekends, are possible with previous arrangement with the IUC Secretariat.
The overall space consists of a large conference hall, which can accommodate 110 participants, 10 classrooms of different sizes and few cabinets. The conference hall and classrooms are equipped with powerpoint and overhead projectors. Simultaneous translation equipment is also available in the conference hall.
Participants of IUC courses and conferences have a computer room with an internet connection and a printer at their disposal every workday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
The copying of course material is available at no extra cost.
There is a University of Zagreb Dormitory at the top floor of the building, which offers discount prices to participants of IUC courses. Please visit the page