Media, Arts, Culture and History Media, Arts, Culture and History


Media and Trust
08 Apr 2024 - 12 Apr 2024
ECTS points
Course directors :
Zrinjka Peruško , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Carmen Ciller , University Carlos III - Madrid, Spain
Paolo Mancini , University of Perugia, Italy
Göran Bolin , Södertörn University, Sweden
Susanne Fengler , TU Dortmund , Germany
Epp Lauk , Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Miklós Sükösd , University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Slavko Splichal , University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Course description:

12th Graduate Spring School & Research conference on Comparative Media Systems: Media and Trust co-organized with the ECREA CEE Network

The cultures of trust are different across Europe, linked not only to the present day but also to different histories that shape the present. The broader issue of decreasing trust in institutions and how this impacts democratic governance is also coupled with interpersonal trust in the media. Similarly, trust in media organisations is shaped by different contextual factors in the media system and in different cultural settings, as well as by different practices among media audiences and users. Furthermore, citizens often rely on “trusted systems”, for shopping, banking, health, and everyday sociality. How does this technological trust relate to trust in organisations (governmental, corporate or civil society)?

In the era of automated systems, fake news and deep fakes, how do we understand trust in public communication? How is trust related to truth or fact? In which situations are the editorial, legacy media, the ones that citizens put their trust in? Or, do citizens in certain situations rely more on social media, because the legacy media have been undermined and distrusted alongside with governments, parliaments, and political parties? The situation varies when viewed in the international comparative perspective. What does trust mean for the citizens? How is trust studied methodologically across Europe?


Lecturers include

Stina Bengtsson, Södertörn University, Sweden

Göran Bolin, Södertörn University, Stockholm

Carmen Ciller, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Susanne Fengler, TU Dortmund, Germany

Anne Kaun, Södertörn University, Stockholm

Paolo Mancini, University of Perugia, Italy 

Zrinjka Peruško, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Fredrik Stiernstedt, Södertörn University, Stockholm


Video Lectures 2024:

Miklós Sükösd: Trust in Independent Media, Influencers and New Democratic Actors: Political Scandals and Challenges to Hungary's Hybrid Regime

Dina Vozab: Media Dependency in a Multiple Crisis: Information Seeking and Media Trust After an Earthquake During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Course lecturers:
Stina Bengtsson , Södertörn University, Sweden
Göran Bolin , Södertörn University, Sweden
Antonija Čuvalo , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Aleksandra Dragojlov , Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Susanne Fengler , TU Dortmund , Germany
Anne Kaun , Södertörn University, Sweden
Zlatan Krajina , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Paolo Mancini , University of Perugia, Italy
Zrinjka Peruško , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Fredrik Stiernstedt , Södertörn University, Sweden
Miklós Sükösd , University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Dina Vozab , University of Zagreb, Croatia
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