Keynote speakers:
Peter Gärdenfors, Lund University
Valentin Goranko, Stockholm University
Leon Horsten, University of Konstanz
María Manzano, University of Salamanca
The general subject of the conference are problems of philosophical ontology, epistemology, philosophy of science, and philosophy of mind that are formulated or solved using formal methods (as defined in logic, mathematics, formal linguistics, theoretical computer science, information science, AI) and/or with references to the results of natural and social sciences.
The following special topics will be addressed:
- use of formal methods in philosophy,
- philosophical analysis of scientific notions (natural law, matter, change, cause, chance, time, space, uncertainty, quantum phenomena, probability, social interaction, etc.),
- philosophical analysis of scientific methods (formalisms, rationality, values, norms, etc.),
- the role and use of scientific notions and methods in philosophy (formal systems in philosophy, critical analysis, systematic philosophy, etc.).
There will be a PhD student session with 20 minutes talks followed by 10 minutes discussion.
Language: English.
Conference fee: 135 EUR / 100 EUR (retired participants, students). 55 EUR part of the fee is payable to the IUC.
Abstracts: Please, submit a 1200 characters abstract by January 31, 2024 to, or Please, use the proposed templates . Indicate if the abstract is meant for a PhD student session (1200 characters). The notifications of acceptance by February 15, 2024. The conference will be held in-person.
"EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACTS: February 29, 2024. The notifications of acceptance by March 7, 2024."
Organizing institutions and patronage: Croatian Logic Association; Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw; Institute of Philosophy of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw; Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb; Inter-University Center, Dubrovnik; Polish Association for Logic and Philosophy Science; University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. Dr. sc. Luka Boršić, Director of the Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb; Prof. dr. hab. Pawel Łuków, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw; Prof. dr. hab. Ryszard F. Sadowski, Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw.
Victor Aranda , Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Jeremy Attard , University of Mons, Belgium
Christoph Benzmueller , University of Bamberg, Germany
Yves Bouchard , Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Anna Brożek , University of Warsaw, Poland
Fran Cardells , University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Ludovica Conti , University of Pavia, Italy
Amaia Corral-Villate , University of the Basque Country, Spain
Jason Decker , Carleton College Minnesota, United States
Dušan Dožudić , Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia
Antonio Drago , University Federico II, Naples, Italy
Lucas Escobar , École normale supérieure - PSL, France
José Alejandro Fernández Cuesta , Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Tommaso Flaminio , IIIA - CSIC, Spain
David Fuenmayor , University of Bamberg, Germany
Professor Peter Gärdenfors , Lund University, Sweden
Lluis Godo , IIIA - CSIC, Spain
Michał Tomasz Godziszewski , University of Łódź, Poland
Valentin Goranko , Stockholm University, Sweden
Zalan Gyenis , Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Leon Horsten , University of Konstanz, Germany
Evan Iatrou , University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jared Ifland , University of California, Davis, United States
Andrzej Indrzejczak , University of Lodz, Poland
A. Theodore Izmaylov , Independent Scholar, N/A
Janusz Kaczmarek , University of Lodz, Poland
Hassane Kissane , FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany
Srećko Kovač , Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia
Dorota Leszczyńska-Jasion , Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
Marcin Łyczak , University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
María Manzano , University of Salamanca, Spain
Manuel A. Martins , University of Aveiro, Portugal
Simon McGregor , University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Dean McHugh , University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rodrigo Mena Gonzalez , Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
Cordelia Mühlenbeck , Free University of Berlin, Germany
Marina Novina , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Joshua Edward Pearson , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
Yaroslav Petrukhin , University of Lodz, Poland
Michele Piazzai , University Carlos III - Madrid, Spain
Marek Porwolik , Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland
Umberto Rivieccio , National University of Distance Education, Spain
Giuliano Rosella , University of Turin, Italy
Georg Schiemer , University of Vienna, Austria
Maciej Sendłak , University of Warsaw, Poland
Grzegorz Sitek , Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa, Poland
Jakub Sochacki , University of Warsaw, Poland
Rush T. Stewart , King`s College London, United Kingdom
Kordula Świętorzecka , Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland
Tamaz Tokhadze , Ilia State University, Georgia
Rafał Urbaniak , University of Gdansk, Poland
Andrea Vestrucci , University of Bamberg, Germany
Leszek Wroński , Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska , Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland