Law, Economics, Politics and Governance Law, Economics, Politics and Governance


Transport Law de Lege Ferenda
11 Sep 2023 - 15 Sep 2023
Course directors :
Igor Vio , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Patrick Vlačič , University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska , Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
Iva Tuhtan Grgić , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Aref Fakhry , World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden
Mihael Mišo Mudrić , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Course description:

The scope of the Course is to provide to the participants the analysis of the latest international and national regulations in the field of maritime and transport law, with prominent lecturers from various Croatian academic institutions (Adriatic Institute of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Zagreb, University of Zagreb, University of Rijeka, University of Zadar, University of Dubrovnik and University of Split) as well as from a number of higher education institutions from abroad (University of Bologna, University of Ljubljana, University of Oslo, Nicolaus Copernicus University – Torun, Kyushu University – Fukuoka, Jaume I University – Castellon, Jimei University, Xiamen, University of Vigo, City University – London, College of Charleston, International Maritime Law Institute – Malta and World Maritime University – Malmö). The Course will enable young researchers from this area to gain new knowledge and to compare the legal regulations of different countries through classes of outstanding university professors and renowned maritime law experts, and also to participate in panel discussions in order to analyse potential solutions of the emerging international legal instruments and of proposed amendments of the relevant maritime conventions. Besides lectures, seminars and workshops, the Course structure requires an effective contribution of participants who will have an opportunity to represent and describe their own research projects related to their LLM or PhD studies before a circle of academic senior researchers and experienced professionals. The working language is English.

The Course attendance certificates signed by the Course directors will be issued by the Inter-University Centre to all participants. This year’s Course will not offer ECTS credits. The procedure of ECTS accreditation will be initiated, and should be completed during the next academic year with the aim that the Course attendance certificate would be equivalent to 4 ECTS.

The expected number of participants is 25, whereas the total number of participants is limited to 50. The participants will have to pay a modest registration fee (50 EUR) directly to the Inter-University Centre. Additional fee of 50 EUR that will cover the cost of lunches and coffeee breaks will be payed to the Croatian Maritime Law Association. For covering travel and accommodation expenses, interested participants are strongly advised to contact their home institutions as well as other foundations that finance participation in educational programmes. Course directors can provide potential participants with formal invitation letters if needed. Concerned participants may apply until 31 August 2023 using the online application form at the IUC website. Please contact the Course coordinator Dr Igor Vio ( for any additional questions. The Course is dedicated to participants enrolled in advanced degrees of legal studies (graduate and postgraduate students, as well as doctoralcandidates and researchers, who will discuss their ongoing research), junior practitioners and law officials from international organizations, state administration, courts of law and public attorney offices, and to young professionals from shipping, transport, insurance and related industries.

Course Lectures - Video Recordings

Miho Baće - Special Features of Vessel Leasing Contracts in Legal Transactions in the Republic of Croatia

Božena Bulum - Regulation of the Provision of Port Services in the Republic of Croatia – the Business Practice of the Croatian Ports and Competition Law

Aref Fakhry - Collision Convention 1910 - Some Historical Perspectives

Aref Fakhry - Recent Developments in Maritime Casualty Law

Richard L. Kilpatrick - Maritime Sanctions - Price Cap Compliance

Petar Kragić – Petra Amižić Jelovčić - Revision of the Collision Convention 1910 – Challenges and Dilemmas

Ivana Kunda – Danijela Vrbljanac - Private International Law in Maritime Relations

Norman Martinez - Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims – International Legal Framework

Mišo Mudrić - COLREGs, Crewmen Skill and Knowledge, and the Responsibility of Masters in the Age of Unmanned Autonomous Vessels

Mišo Mudrić - The Shift of Responsibility for Automated Vehicles in the Age of AI: General Regulatory Trends and Their Impact on the Shipping

Mišo Mudrić – Ivana Keser - Port Area Video Surveillance in the Context of Port Resilience

Adriana Vincenca Padovan - Inchmaree Clause and the Like - Specificity of Marine Hull

Časlav Pejović - Electronic Trade Documents Act, 2023 -Towards Legal Recognition of Electronic Transport Documents

Časlav Pejović - Maritime Collision – Comparative Law in the Context

Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska: Marine Pollution from Ships – Limitation of Liability in International Conventions and under the US National Law

Marija Pijaca - Content of the Bareboat Charter in National and Autonomous Legal Sources

Pia Rebelo - Regulatory Developments for the Decarbonisation of Shipping

Gordan Stanković – Iva Tuhtan Grgić - Default Interests and Procedural Costs in Limitation of Liability Proceedings

Zoran Tasić - Consequences of Non Payment of Charter Hire

Igor Vio - Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska - Applicability of the 1910 Convention

Patrick Vlačič - UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records - Misunderstanding


Course lecturers:
Petra Amižić Jelovčić , University of Split, Croatia
Miho Baće , University of Dubrovnik, Croatia
Božena Bulum , Adriatic Institute (HAZU), Zagreb, Croatia
Laura Carballo Pineiro , University of Vigo, Spain
Aref Fakhry , World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden
Albano Gilabert-Gascon , Jaume I University, Castellón, Spain
Shengnan Jia , Jimei University, Xiamen, China
Ivana Keser , Institute for Development and International Relations, Zagreb, Croatia
Richard L. Kilpatrick , College of Charleston, United States
Petar Kragić , Croatian Maritime Law Association, Croatia
Ivana Kunda , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Khanssa Lagdami , World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden
Axel Luttenberger , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Ilaria Malaguti , Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Italy
Norman Martinez , IMO International Maritime Law Institute, Valletta, Malta
Mihael Mišo Mudrić , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Irena Nišević , Adriatic Institute (HAZU), Zagreb, Croatia
Elena Orrù , Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Italy
Adriana Vincenca Padovan , Adriatic Institute (HAZU), Zagreb, Croatia
Časlav Pejović , Kyushu University, Japan
Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska , Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
Marija Pijaca , University of Zadar, Croatia
Achim Puetz , Jaume I University, Castellón, Spain
Maja Radunović , Attorney at Law, Podgorica, Montenegro
Pia Terese Rebelo , City St George’s, University of London, United Kingdom
Erik Røsæg , University of Oslo, Norway
Gordan Stanković , Vukić & Partners Law Firm, Rijeka, Croatia
Zoran Tasić , Dedicato Consulting, Zagreb, Croatia
Iva Tuhtan Grgić , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Vivian van der Kuil , Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Igor Vio , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Patrick Vlačič , University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Danijela Vrbljanac , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Mustafa Yilmaz , University of London, United Kingdom
Lijun Zhao , University of London, United Kingdom
Attached documents
International Maritime and Transport Law Course Information (2023).pdf
IUC - International Maritime and Transport Law Course (2023) - Book of Abstracts.pdf