Conference directors
Joseph Berkovitz , University of Toronto, Canada
David Davies , McGill University, Canada
Michel Ghins , Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
Dunja Jutronić , University of Split, Croatia
Elena Mamchur , Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
James McAllister , University of Leiden, Netherlands
Flavia Padovani , Drexel University, Philadelphia, United States
Zvonimir Šikić , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Philosophy of science studies the foundations, methods, and implications of the sciences from a philosophical perspective. Classic topics in philosophy of science include the relation between theory and observation, the rational justification of scientific methods, the functions of experiment, and the interpretation of scientific theories such as quantum theory and evolution theory. Philosophers of science also frequently discuss such wider topics as cognition, the relation between science and the arts and culture, and the findings of history and social studies of science.
This annual international five-day conference is a forum for the presentation and discussion of new research in philosophy of science. Each year’s meeting focuses on three broad themes, but the organizers welcome papers in other topical areas of philosophy of science too. A session usually consists of a 45-minute paper followed by a 30-minute discussion period; extended lunch and coffee breaks are an important element of the programme. The atmosphere is informal and friendly. Whereas most participants are researchers in philosophy of science, the organizers encourage also scientists and scholars in history and social studies of science to participate.
The conference venue is the Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik.
Conference themes for 2023:
- Philosophy of Physics
- Explanation and Understanding in Science
- Science and Politics
For students:
Advanced students in any of these fields are especially welcome: they may present a paper, benefit from informal discussion, or arrange with one of the organizers to write a report or essay on the conference themes for assessment. Students may receive credit for their participation in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System.
Joseph Berkovitz , University of Toronto, Canada
Nurida Boddenberg , University of Bonn, Germany
Armando Cintora Gomez , The Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico, Mexico
Alberto Cordero , City University of New York, Graduate Center (CUNY), United States
David Davies , McGill University, Canada
Samuel C. Fletcher , University of Minnesota, United States
Alexander Franklin , King`s College London, United Kingdom
Michel Ghins , Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
Boris Grozdanoff , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Nick Huggett , University of Illinois Chicago, United States
Dunja Jutronić , University of Split, Croatia
Martin King , Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
James Ladyman , University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Holger Lyre , University of Magdeburg, Germany
Nenad Miščević , University of Maribor, Slovenia
Jamie Shaw , Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Emma Sigsworth , University of Toronto, Canada
Zvonimir Šikić , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Jacob Stegenga , University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Noah Stemeroff , University of Bonn, Germany
Karim Pierre Yves Thebault , University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Aleksandar V. Božić , University of Rijeka, Croatia