Mathematics, Science and Technology Mathematics, Science and Technology


20 Sep 2021 - 24 Sep 2021
Conference directors :
Zvonimir Šikić , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Silvia Ghilezan , University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Zoran Ognjanović , Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade, Serbia
Thomas Studer , University of Bern, Switzerland
Andre Scedrov , University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States
Conference description:

The conference brings together researchers from various fields of logic with applications in computer science.
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
- Formal systems of classical and non-classical logic;
- Category theory;
- Proof theory;
- Set theory;
- Type theory;
- Lambda calculus;
- Process algebras and calculi;
- Behavioural types;
- Systems of reasoning in the presence of incomplete, imprecise and/or contradictory information;
- Computational complexity;
- Interactive theorem provers;
- Security and Privacy.

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission: June 15, 2021
Author Notification: July 1, 2021
Final version: July 8, 2021

Authors should submit an abstract in LaTeX format, not exceeding three pages, to with the subject "LAP 2021".

* Student sessions will be organized.

More about previous programs can be found on the official conference website


Video lectures 2021:

Zvonimir Šikić - Kneale’s Developments as Beth’s Tableaus

Giulio Fellin, Sara Negri, Eugenio Orlandelli - Glivenko Classes and Constructive Cut Elimination in Infinitary Logic

Michał J. Gajda - Consistent Ultrafinitist Logic

Simona Kašterović, Silvia Ghilezan - Towards Logic of Combinatory Logic

Edi Pavlović, Norbert Gratz - Proof Theory of Free Logics

Cezary Cieśliński - On the Principle of Disjunctive Correctness

Jiří Raclavský, Petr Kuchyňka - Natural Deduction for Partial Type Theory with Evaluation Terms

Matthias Baaz - Globally Sound Analytic Calculi for Quantifier Macros

Vedran Čačić, Marko Horvat, Zvonko Iljazović - Computable Approximations of Semicomputable Chainable

Tajana Ban Kirigin, Sanda Bujačić Babić, Benedikt Perak - Building a Sentiment Dictionary for Croatian

Tajana Ban Kirigin, Sanda Bujačić Babić, Benedikt Perak - Sentiment Potential Analysis

Yaroslav Petrukhin - Normalisation for some Infectious Logics with Non standard Disjunction Elimination Rules

Jiří Raclavský - The Rule of Existential Generalisation, Its Derivability and Formal Semantics

Sebastijan Horvat - Bisimulation Games for (Generalized) Veltman Semantics

Duško Pavlović - Solution of Lambek's Problem A Construction of Dedekind MacNeille type Bicompletion

Sebastijan Horvat, Tin Perkov, Mladen Vuković - N bisimulations for Generalised Veltman Semantics

Musab A AlTurki, Tajana Ban Kirigin, Max Kanovich, Vivek Nigam, Andre Scedrov, Carolyn Talcott - Periodic Systems: Safety, Security, and Complexity

Matej Mihelčić - Redescription Mining

Conference lecturers:
Tin Adlešić , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Matthias Baaz , Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Tajana Ban Kirigin , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Sanda Bujačić Babić , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Vedran Čačić , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Cezary Cieśliński , University of Warsaw, Poland
Ludovica Conti , University of Pavia, Italy
Šejla Dautović , Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade, Serbia
Giulio Fellin , University of Verona, Italy
Michal J. Gajda , Migamake Pte Ltd, Singapore
Silvia Ghilezan , University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Aleksandar Hatzivelkos , University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica, Croatia
Marko Horvat , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Sebastijan Horvat , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Angelina Ilić Stepić , Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade, Serbia
Simona Kašterović , University of Novi Sad, Serbia
David Benjamin Lehnherr , University of Bern, Switzerland
Marcel Maretić , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Bojan Marinković , Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade, Serbia
Matej Mihelčić , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Luka Mikec , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Vivek Nigam , Huawei's European Research Centre (Huawei ERC) Munich, Germany
Jovana Obradović , Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade, Serbia
Eugenio Orlandelli , Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Italy
Petar Paradžik , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Edi Pavlović , Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
Dusko Pavlovic , University of Hawaii at Manoe, United States
Benedikt Perak , University of Rijeka, Croatia
Yaroslav Petrukhin , University of Lodz, Poland
Jiri Raclavsky , Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Andre Scedrov , University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States
Peter Schuster , University of Verona, Italy
Zvonimir Šikić , University of Zagreb, Croatia
Tamara Stefanović , University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Thomas Studer , University of Bern, Switzerland
Mateo Tessi , Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
Lucija Validžić , University of Zagreb, Croatia
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