There is much evidence that the problems which affect everybody on earth, are growing rapidly in number and in scale. To mention only the most urgent ones (1)unresolved problems of financialized globalization; (2) unresolved problems of quickly accelerating climate-change; (3) unresolved problems of the deep crisis of inter- and transnational law; not (4) to talk about the combination of global pandemia- and economic crisis, and (5) the crisis of democracy which in the course of globalization also has become a problem of inter- and transnational law. The mere size and urgency of the problems probably indicates the need for a new political order of the globe. However, the blockade of agency in the (half national and half transnational/ regional/global) present system of politics, legislation and jurisdiction seems to make problem solving ever more impossible. What to be done? Are there perspectives of radical or revolutionary change beyond the present system, and if, which ones? Or can the capacity for radical reformism or transformation that is still a characteristic of the existing system of parliamentary democracy be re-activated, and how?