Call for Applications
Faced with the current moral collapse in dealing with migrations prompted by terror, with the supposed “importation of terror” by (im)migrants, with actual terrorist attacks and their various performative modes (cfr. Bharucha, 2014), as well as with the justification for anti-terrorist measures that thrive on more subtle and less visible forms of terrorizing, we propose a radical response of love. From minimal gestures of solidarity and help via instances of loving encounters resisting fear-inducing interests, to counter–hegemonic discourses, and, if possible, alternative platforms, love needs to be valued and reconceptualized not only in terms of the forms it can take, but also in terms of the so far unsurpassed challenges it needs to live up to.
The topic does, however, imply a reverse perspective as well, one that explores the uncomfortable interpenetrations of the two phenomena and their sexual or gendered aspects in particular: the abuses of romantic, conjugal, religious, literary or theoretical exaltations of love to the point of terror, or in the service of terror. One of the dearest philosophical topics, from Plato via Kierkegaard to Irigaray, Bruckner and Badiou, love is also one of the most insistently compromised words and ideals. Given the escapist connotations this concept can induce among all those unwilling to confront daily injustice or dreaming about a withdrawal from turbulent public spaces into the private domain, it is timely to interrogate the various terrorizing manipulations of the discourse of/on love, regardless of the field in which they thrive or the epoch they stem from.
We invite transnational feminist reflections on these issues, as well as interventions that would present and/or envisage a range of practices, decisions, actions, critical and artistic approaches to the states, effects, and expressions of love and terror.We welcome proposals for papers, but we are also open to round tables, performance-lectures, or other alternative formats and methodologies of sharing knowledge. Proposals might consider some of
the following issues:
IUC courses are conducted at postgraduate level. All interested postgraduate students may apply to participate, although the course targets young scholars and postgraduate students with a definedinterest in women’s/gender studies, transnational studies, philosophy, sociology, literary and cultural studies, postcolonialism, or anthropology. The course will be limited to 25 participants (15 students) in order to provide sufficient space for discussion, seminar work and student presentations. Participants must seek funding from their own institutions for the costs of travel, lodging and meals. Limited financial support is available for participants from parts of Eastern Europe and some third countries (please see The IUC requires a payment of 50 EUR for the Course fee. The working language of the course is English.
Application Procedure:
Please submit a proposal consisting of a short narrative describing your interest in the topic and your CV. Place all current contact information at the top of your CV. Send submissions by e-mail to (Francesca Maria Gabrielli) and Use the subject: IUC Dubrovnik 2016. The proposal deadline is January, 20th, 2017.
Programme offer ECTS points for students from University of Zagreb, Central Euroepan University Budapest and University of Naples "L'Orientale"
More information can be found here: