A never-ending chain of violence, massive human rights violations and ever more dirty wars began right after the second world war. However, these wars could be kept limited and to a considerable extend under international control – thanks to the UN system of ordering. Moreover, and worse, the Global South had to bear the brunt of the wars, and the members of the Western and Eastern Military Alliances experiences a long period of peace – thanks to the crying injustice of the unequal relations between the Global North and the Global South. With the implosion of the Soviet empire peace ended in the European part of the Global North in 1990 when the war of secession in former Yugoslavia broke out. Then came the criminal wars of aggression against Iraq 2003 and Ukraine 2022 that was called by the respective super-power a “military operation”, and hit the UN system lately. The war in Ukraine came closer than anything ever before to the stage of escalation (atomic war). Latest now, it is time to think about a new global ordering, and to do that on political, sociological, cultural, economic and legal levels of disciplinary engagement.