
Academician Eugen Pusić has died

Eugen Pusić was born in Zagreb in 1916. He studied law at the University of Zagreb where he later became a much admired teacher and professor. He held high positions in the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. As a true internationalist he was well known in scholarly environments all over the world and lectured in numerous universities in Europe and in the United States. He was a Fellow at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague and at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in Palo Alto, California. His professional interests went far beyond law and he cooperated closely with distinguished social scientists in matters of administrative law and organisational studies in particular.

At the time when the Rector of the University of Zagreb, Professor Ivan Supek, proposed to establish an inter-university centre in Dubrovnik, Eugen Pusić was the right person to provide guidance and advice as to the structure and functioning of such an institution. He formulated the basic standards for the Centre's operation, such as its Constitution, and was strongly engaged in the Centre's establishment in 1972.

Eugen Pusić organised several of the first IUC postgraduate programmes under the titles „Local Government in Rapid Social Change“ and „Participation, Workers Control and Selfmanagement“. His wide network of colleagues and friends from around the world became engaged in the work of the IUC, and many of them were frequent visitors and participants in IUC activities.

Throughout the nearly 40 years of IUC operation he never failed in his readiness to give his support. His knowledge and wisdom helped the IUC in surpassing many difficult periods. His advice in the early 1990ies became particularly important when he proposed the formula for the Centre's constitution as a legal entity through the establishment of the IUC Association.

The wide circle of Pusić's postgraduates whom he brought to Dubrovnik became affiliated with the IUC and continued cooperation with the IUC in organising its programmes and conferences. Many of them went on to become ministers, ambassadors, distinguished university leaders – and always remained good friends of the IUC.

In regocnition of his long devotion to the IUC, Professor Pusić was made Honorary Member in 2007.

A short film on IUC history includes an interview with Professor Pusić. Here he makes this statement: „Scientists have their countries, but science is universal. If it is not universal it is not science.“